Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Smart Home and the Value of your Property

News at Kerr & Co | 15/06/2023

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Smart Home and the Value of your Property

Smart home technology offers an array of innovative solutions that enhance convenience, efficiency, and security. Since Covid the development of home technology has advanced as many of us are now working from home. This new generation of modern living, has introduced us to an array of time and money saving devices which will enhance all our homes and enrich our lifestyle and revolutionising our home work life . So what are the advantages and disavantages and will they add to the value of your home.   Kerr and Co hope to answer some of these questions .


Home Automation:
Home automation systems allow you to control various aspects of your home through smart devices or voice commands. From adjusting the lighting and temperature to managing security systems and entertainment devices, home automation brings convenience and control to your fingertips.  Many of these can be controlled from your mobile device or phone for added convenience easy control.  Electricians and installers are well informed on the best device for you home.

Energy Management:
Smart home technology enables you to monitor and manage your energy consumption effectively. With smart thermostats, energy-efficient lighting, and smart plugs, you can optimize energy usage, reduce wastage, and save on utility bills. Additionally, some systems offer real-time energy monitoring to help you track and analyse your energy usage patterns. Contract your energy supplier for more information and advice .

Enhanced Security:
Modern smart home security systems offer advanced features like motion sensors, surveillance cameras, and smart locks. You can monitor your home remotely, receive instant notifications, and even control access to your property from your smartphone. These systems provide peace of mind and an extra layer of protection for your loved ones and belongings.  

Voice-Activated Assistants:
Virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant have become commonplace in many households. These voice-activated devices can perform various tasks, from playing music and answering questions to controlling smart home devices. With a simple voice command, you can adjust the lights, play your favourite playlist, or get updates on the weather.

Entertainment and Multimedia:
From smart TVs and wireless audio systems to streaming services and voice-controlled media players, you can enjoy seamless connectivity and access to a world of digital content. With rise of cinema rooms and basements, smart home technology offers an immersive entertainment experience, however any living room can be transformed into a home cinema or create a multi-room audio setup for music throughout your home.


Installation cost
Although the installation cost is high initially, the investment does pay off in the long run. The home automation industry is growing rapidly today and coming up with cost-effective smart options like free maintenance services. Consumers can also buy essential smart devices first and upgrade later as per their budget.

Internet dependency
A strong and reliable connection is necessary for all the tasks by smart voice command technology such as Alexa and Google Home. The internet allows all smart devices to function in sync. However, a poor internet connection might lead to hindrance, so  its is highly recommended to opt for 4G/5G speed of internet and good Wi-Fi services to avoid any inconvenience.

Privacy concerns
There are certain practices that users must abide by when it comes to smart homes. Although the internet is a safe data sharing space, there is still a chance of data breach. These incidents happen if the users show negligence towards certain safety precautions. Protect Wi-Fi breaches with a strong password and make sure the connection is private. This applies to any smart device that provides access to automation. Furthermore, one must evaluate these aspects and install smart technology from certified professionals only. These simple practices can safeguard end-users from data thefts.

Complicated user interfaces
We all have different levels of IT knowledge - automation can be intimidating for a technologically challenged homeowner. Too many complicated logics, multiple button presses, and unreliable products sometimes end up creating undesired effects opposite to what the homeowner had wanted, which was simplicity. Experienced system integrators do not lose sight of the fact that making life simple should be the prime driver of automation, not the other way around.

Conclusion : Future of Smart Homes 
Smart home technology is gathering pace and reshaping our home / work life.   We all welcome the extra convenience, efficiency, which enhances our time short life styles.  Like any investment our homes are no different, by adding value and making it more attractive to purchases, will appeal especially to young professionals and the family market.  We have seen evidence as one of the longest establised estate agents in Shepherds Bush, Hammersmith and West London, Smart Homes are becoming more attractive to potential buyers. 
Modern living is in demand so by unlocking the potential of your home for a more comfortable, secure, and easy lifestyle is certainly one to keep in mind when marketing your property.